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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/09/13 in all areas

  1. My sister is still improving dramatically! Her platelet count is now at 63 (was under 10 when she was first diagnosed, and a healthy level is over 150), and her haemoglobin level has reached 114 (healthy for a woman is over 120) Am so happy! We're going to celebrate when her platelet count reaches 100. Shes been able to go back to work part time, too. Not as a team leader anymore, to her disappointment, but to start with, two afternoons a week. Plus shes back at the gym again (though not crazy like before). Is good to see her returning to her normal self.
    7 points
  2. Had my car at Autotech over last couple of weeks to get some mods done. Ended up with a easy 360rwkw on 98 and 410rwkw on E-Flex. The response on E-Flex is awesome but no good for tyres. Spiro and guys have been very very impressive to deal with as ive had big dramas with a Ford dealer that damaged my head under warranty but that's a story for another thread but car was sitting on hoist for over 2weeks Mods done are *PW Stage 2 Cooler *PW Street Intake *PW Surge with 460 and FPR *ID1000's *Xforce 4in dump into single 3.5inch *Plazmaman Valve Springs *ZF Tune *Gibson Tailshaft
    1 point
  3. Hear the guy swear in the background when Swan didn't poll a vote? Ablett deserved it. Would have been good to see Selwood get up but there's always next year.
    1 point
  4. Not that much of a loss dude
    1 point
  5. Wasnt being rude Don(or can I call you Donald seeing I am older than you ), just curious. I was told over 20 years ago if I didnt get off the tools(truck mechanic by trade) I would be in a wheel chair. Backs not good, I just do what I can these days. Try not to do any(or much) heavy lifting.
    1 point
  6. Who doesn't have this combo? I've posted pictures of mine with that combo in multiple suspension threads along with many other people! Just have to look If I wasn't on work laptop I'd post the again for you. Edit: How about that! Mine are on the 1st page of the "Show us your lowered FG" Thread which Angel kindly posted http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/83348-show-us-your-lowered-fg-sedan-utes/
    1 point
  7. If the valve springs are up to the task she will go 320rwkw plus mate no worries. Intake and cooler is holding you back a little though. Enquire about getting a E85/100 octane tune from United as well from Bruce:)
    1 point
  8. actuator will make a small difference, without a cooler/intake kit and no turbo porting and flapper I say you will make 300rwkw again but maybe a little safer.
    1 point
  9. Just get on the hand brake hard as well as the foot brake.
    1 point
  10. Just thought I'd share some photos that were taken after I had my new car professionaly detailed
    1 point
  11. Mate that's life, move on karma collects the weeds on its travels always has always will Set your own goals and don't worry about the king pins, cast your mind back to the first 9second ba ( INFLYT ) ......... He will never see a drag strip again that chap
    1 point
  12. my bad, how could I forget the mighty G6et's! is it to late to blame autocorrect
    1 point
  13. Nah no plans for GTX.Id like some decent suspension like shockworks coilovers but the wifes hidden the credit card:)
    1 point
  14. I think a turbo conversion is far better than a v8 conversion. You're on a turbo forum, everybody is going to tell you to convert to turbo
    1 point
  15. if you want to tow just turbo your engine a nice low boost high compression engine will be perfect for towing get a stock fg turbo and it should be perfect bulk torque from super low rpm more than the boss engine and with half the cost/hassle involved with going v8.Turbos are designed to add torque which is what you want for towing.
    1 point
  16. yeah do the 5.4 conversion add a few mods and go scare a lot of T's that think they are boat anchors seriously though the turbo conversion would be easier and if modding, easier to get power out of, but any conversion is going to cost you more than it's worth and possibly leave you in a legal loop hole re insurance and rego
    1 point
  17. look through this thread collierj http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/83348-show-us-your-lowered-fg-sedan-utes/
    1 point
  18. Turbo has had the usual porting and flapper mods done and running Turbosmart Actuator. Not sure on boost but I did see 21 on Torque app today. From memory spiro said 98 tune is around 16psi
    1 point
  19. George, Jimmy, Matt and myself locked the carpark up at about 11:30 ish...lol
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. SSL Fronts SSSL Rears On uneven ground but I like this photo..
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. the player (dealer) chooses to play the game(ford) so have to deal with the customers. Don't want to do warranty work ? don't sell the fricken product ! Same for all of us retailers. We sell it, we warrant it, it's part of the job, end of story.
    1 point
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