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Weight Training For Beginners


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  • Puff
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Another week down, 3 days per week is nice compared to 6, plenty of time to recover during the week. Just got next week to knock out and then time for a deload.


Strength is higher than it ever has been, not that I'm testing it rn. The reps show the progress, just gotta wait a bit to get the legs back on track, leg extensions and ham curls are going alright for now. Hamstring has no pain now and isn't tight anymore, will add squats back in for the next meso cycle.


All kinds of gainz...all kindzzz

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Sometimes less is more, funny how it all works sometimes...

Good to hear the hammy is coming along

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  • Silver Donating Members
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Farkin tell me about it!!

Although there's a an older joker at my gym, he's 84 and he's just got back from trekking the himalayas! There's hope for us yet...

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Only 2 …. I am on my way back up after having a big downturn… got sick, ate too lean cals and really shat the bed the last 8 weeks… 


my lifts suffered big time 


but back on the band wagon and bam feeling like I’m getting my groove back. 

amazing how much nutrition effects your performance, sounds obvious I know, but munts ya hard hey. 

In other news I’ve been eating 4500 cals for almost 8 weeks straight now (with the exception of 3 days in too low cals which is what put me into the sh*t spin) and haven’t put on a single kilo 🤣🤣🤣



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  • Puff
  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 9y 5m 27d
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  • Location: South Australia

Two is still two :showoff:


It'll come back to you fairly quick so don't worry about a bit of downtime :declare:


Haha I would get tubbalicious if I ate that much :nudie:

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  • Puff
  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 9y 5m 27d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: South Australia

My bar gimme a squash while I was benching. On the plus side I was aiming for 0 rir and I definitely succeeded. My concrete has 3 extra cracks but you'll have that.


Note to self, stop when it's time to stop 🤫

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