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Weight Training For Beginners


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Tuna and beans ftw

You know you can buy them both in the one can now, even comes with a fork. Too easy.

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  • Member For: 18y 2m
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Dillz if I found out where those cans are sold I will buy the whole f**ken store!

John West "Tuna and Beans" roasted capsicum and three beans in a 185 g can, have one in front of me right now.

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  • Three pedals are better then two..
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Dillz if I found out where those cans are sold I will buy the whole f**ken store!


Just in Coles and Woolies.

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Agree, just pointing out a mistake I have seen many make in the past.

......Not having a go at you a Ratter at all, just most people don't have enough. But 1 thing I have learnt and think you agree is, we injest protien based foods for BCAA's yes? so a good thing I found is instead of having more protien based foods, which equals more calories, I went out and started buying BCAA powder and have it during the day. As it's the BCAA that builds the muscle in the end and helps lose weight. Stay anobolic all day round, even set the alarm at 12.30am to drink water with BCAAs. Maybe going over board there but that's just me.
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The "Body-for-Life" program is excellent IMO.

Ten years ago I did it (properly) and had great results - ripped and fit (not bulky). Training is short time-wise (but bloody hard) and focussed muscle training means you can fit in with working full-time, family etc, and I reckon was brilliant for me. (no doubt others might disagree but I thought the book was brilliant)

Keeping fit is great for body and mind regardless which program you take!

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