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Weight Training For Beginners


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Dillz do you still have that diet I gave you?

Yeah mate, you do realize it's enough to feed a family of 4..

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Im No expert, barely go gym but is this fair enough.......

Most change happens in the kitchen, Diet is 90%.

Eat 6 times a day to keep metabolism going

So maybe get some examples of a good diet ?!

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This should put 1 to 1.5kg a month with proper training.

Meal 1- 6 boiled eggs,1 1/2 cups of oatmeal in water,protien shake.

Meal 2-300g chicken breast[ boiled ] 150g broccoli,150g brown rice

Meal 3- 200g tuna chunks in oil mixed with spinach and 200g of whole meal pasta.

Meal 4- stirfry beef or kangaroo mince mixed with vegies

Meal 5-Beef or kangaroo steak and a bowl of steamed vegies

Meal6-4 scrambeld eggs and 200g of salmon.

meal 7-1 cup cottage cheese with cinnamon 10 mins before bed.

After training have protien shake with water and no grog or party drugs. Stick with it and will guaranteed to put 12 to 15kg on in a year.

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That's obviously a diet to put on muscle, I think kv wants one to shred

.....He will still lose fat and add muscle, nothing wrong with a 100kg Muscle KV.............Put it bluntly JD he should do it the easy way as doing the right way he will get bored real quick and lose intrest............Adding the muscle will eat away the fat as more muscle uses more energy, Or just do this Growth hormone,insulin,clenbuterol. Fark spending hour after hour and losing 1/2 maybe 1kg a week. Edited by pazzo xr6t
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Diet will not get somebody big, well not hard big, big and soft if want that.

Controlling calorie intake will control body fat % but if you want your muscles to grow you have to work them hard.

Your cycling will help drop your weight but a combination of diet and cycling will get it down quicker, but the gym will help with muscle increase. You need to start with basic exercises first using lighter weights and do higher reps initially which will get your body and co-ordination working. You will notice strength gains quickly doing this, but some of this gain is actually from the co ordination of the different muscles working together. After a while of doing this start to increase the weights and lower the reps which will start to give you the bulk.

Your protein intake needs to be spread out across the day as your body can only absorb x amount of protein in a given time frame, some people think that they will take the bulk of it in one go, but the body will not accept it like this.

The best thing you can do is get a training partner, this will make you push each other a little harder as long as you keep it under control, you can spot for each other and it may even help you turn up to a training session when you can't be bothered.

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