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 Yea @Puffwagon I'll be doing them  either today or next week some time along with the service. To clarify, are you talking about doing them a week or so before the tune or do I give them to the tuner on the day and put them in then?


2 minutes ago, JETURBO said:

Put the Century battery back on the shelf and buy any other brand battery in the world and fit it 


Trust me ! 

Ahahaha for $120 I'm not bothered. If it gets me by for a year I'll get another. Its no where near good enough for the current setup in the car but I just needed something for the time being.

What's wrong with century batteries though?

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Century Battery's have a different coating on the plates which make it a more expensive choice off the batt and customers will tend to lead themselves thinking a more expensive battery is “Better” ... 


The fact is the smart charge on the later model falcons is somewhat confused by this output voltage the century delivers under charge and causes all sorts of Quirks within the system. 

I’ve rectified numerous ( not just me most falcon specific workshops have worked this out years ago also ) Gremlins,Quirks,rough idle, staling from just changing out a New Century for a New whatever else brand of size / capacity specified. 

As the Century battery ages it gets worse and worse yet will come up 100% perfect even on the latest expensive battery testers, There was an excessively bad batch from 2014-2017 where it was so obvious it was like shooting fish in a barrel to fix 





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  • Puff
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26 minutes ago, JETURBO said:

changing out a New Century for a New whatever else brand


I just put a new battery in my vx and a there's a fairly new Century battery in my 06 tt wago. Should I swap em over or will it be a waste of time?

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Do some long term R&D and see what it brings you, if you have the smart charge system on the TT you’ll know what it is when it happens 


When flashing tunes in if you get false or incomplete reads/writes and fails you’ll know why too 


it’s the little things 

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  • Puff
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Eh the gas plugs would have made life easier but if he's gapping them as part of a package then that's what he's doing. Nothing wrong with that.

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