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biddie_fiddler last won the day on December 12 2023

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About biddie_fiddler

  • Birthday 02/09/1996

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    Perth, WA
  • Interests
    Drones, Photography, Electronics
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  1. Hate to break it to ya mate, that is the low tech version lol. That's just a serial to CAN translator
  2. If you're a wiz at can bus and can make a translator to talk to the dash. This was my original plan, using a microcontroller to talk to the dash, so I can send it commands over USB for speed, revs etc. A bloke that used to do custom leds for ba falcons did this.
  3. Yea I'm still alive. Trying so hard to save for 4wd but the falcons keep calling my name 👀 As for the cluster. Yea you can take it apart and swap over the cluster fascia (the lexan piece with the numbers and stuff) and the needles. While it is possible, I wouldn't recommend it, I did a lot of research prior to taking mine apart regarding recalibration of the needles. The needles are not keyed, they are press fit, so it's extremely difficult to put them back on EXACTLY how they were before. My cars digital speed and analogue speed differed by 1km/h. No one would notice, but it took me a very long time to get right. People that offer custom leds in clusters get around this by making their own controller that sends all the correct signals to the cluster so they can manually adjust the needles before putting it back together. This is the route I was planning to take when I had considered doing this kind of stuff as a service. Since building a house, every project I've started has been put on the back burner. Should be in by August though. Even though the Falcon is gone, I still want to finish the projects I started. @Puffwagon @k31th, I'm sure I posted pics of this at some point, anyone remember? 🤣 I should probably say hi in the ot thread lol, lots to catch up on
  4. blasphemy, without being wedded?! that's at least 7 hail marry's
  5. No, the cloud save data hadn't been syncing properly. Had issues with it from the start. Maybe a bug, I dunno. Been years since I played it so it'd be like a fresh start, don't remember much of the game lol
  6. I finished the first game (stick of truth) and nearly finished the second (fractured but whole), when I upgraded my PC I lost my save data and have never bothered starting again. I really should though cause it was a really fun game!
  7. Swap the front and back, then finish them off. The local tyre place I went to used to tell me to go finish the rear tyres when I came in for new ones lol. He's selling the business though, I drive past it every day to work and there's a "for sale" in front of it 😞
  8. Whats better than a single turbo? Two of course! I agree, you should do this
  9. Doing well! House is at roof carpentry stage. Should have the frame done by the end of the week, then they will do the roofing and external ceiling stuff. Went for a job interview yesrerday at WesTrac as a MCG (machine control and guidance) Tecnology Technician. Complete shift of career. Kinda came outta nowhere. Long story short, I have more career growth opportunity through this career, and its basically a glorified auto sparky role, which I do heaps of in my spare time. Super interesting role. End up fifo for 3-5 years and then move back to engineering role in the city. They really liked me and were impressed with my auto sparky knowledge without any trade. Same goes for networking knowledge. Missing the skid pig and stuggling to find a replacement 😞 With the new job and more pay towards the end of year, I'm hoping I can move on to my next project. Keep trying to head in a different direction from Ford and barras, but I find myself coming back.... Can only come back in an FPV of FGX 😏
  10. Think that's the first time I've seen it on this forum! Of all places lol. How's life over yonder?
  11. Get email notification in Russian... Can't say I was expecting that 😂😂
  12. Have you tried turning it off and on again??
  13. Was on the news here https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/wa/blink-182s-tom-delonge-and-mark-hoppus-complain-about-having-to-come-to-fing-perth-to-adelaide-crowd--c-13565319
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