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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Just show the swollen thumb pic again
  2. Or - listen to what the guy building your ZF recommends
  3. I know - that's why I was willing to place the cash down
  4. Nas Bendoco tried the Nankangs yet?
  5. I'll accept that bet Brad - $50 vs your stock tranny cooler failing under warrantable circumstances
  6. Mine sucks donkey balls - am just glad the only time I have to use a pen these days os to sign something
  7. Am pretty sure it's happened with the ZF's as evenly random throughout the years and build dates of the Falcons. Goes beyond a single batch - into the roll of the dice scenario. Once out of warranty (or after any mods) the PWR is nothing more than insurance in case you get the bad roll. $6k+ is a pretty decent wager to be betting against or to be covering against the house
  8. So's the milkbar down the road They don't seem to understand that you can type $5.96 into the EFTPOS machine and get confused if I tell them to correct it from the $6.00 they want ask me to pay
  9. Within tolerances it's acceptable
  10. Sorry to say Fluff - you have no future in the industry Your handwriting is far too awesome Start writing with your left hand if you want any chance of going any futher
  11. Excellent bike Same year and colour as mine
  12. And the Black-Jack edit: forget the blackjack and coke
  13. The LUX rims are the best shape for the Falcons - bar none That's my predicament - love the rims, but need to swap them out to go wider or to go bigger brakes Not ready to swap them out = that's how good the rims look. Tram-lining is a combo of tyres and suspension - change one or the other for something equally as decent and the problem will/may evaporate. All speedo's are out - 99% of people don't know and trust in what the car says. Falcon isn't doing too bad by being @ 100km/h SPEEDO vs 96km/h GPS You won't do wrong with Innvo's - they don't wear out quicker than you push them and hold real world driving as long as you'd expect.(and also keep grip in the wet) Lasted longer than my OEM Dunlops did Can only edit within 30 mins?
  14. Not always mutually exclusive Phil
  15. Watching the Danny Greene fight with the little fella tonight Little fella has his first proper boxing fight on Sunday Yeah - my son - that a fair few of you have met (the quiet, polite, shy kid in the background) is jumping into the ring on Sunday to hit, and be hit 2 x 1 minute rounds This is the start - am sure there will be many hard times and dark moments along the way in his boxing career I'm going to have to work out how the be absent through all of them and only show up at the money end Like all good boxing dads do :S Will report back on Sunday night how it went.
  16. We need a new thread "Dating help for Stripes and how to Bill Cosby your way to a happy relationship"
  17. I reckon I could live in the garage and you'd never know I was there
  18. That comment works 60% of the time every time
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