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About geea

  • Birthday 03/03/1965

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    At the lights, waiting for you.
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    Site protagonist

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  1. Happy Birthday geea!

  2. Happy Birthday geea!

  3. Happy Birthday geea!

  4. Happy Birthday geea!

  5. Happy Birthday geea!

  6. geea

    Turbo Terry

    This could be what your after. LINK Geea.
  7. Does anyone know if this link is working still? I'm trying but just getting the Bahrain round. Geea.
  8. Great stuff Mal. I've had my black Turbo Territroy Ghia for about 3 months and love it. I'll be getting an edit soon. Can't wait. Geea.
  9. The MT ET Streets will do 1's easy. I've done 11's on the Dunlop 3000's Geea.
  10. In my opinion your best bet would be some MT ET Streets. Get the 275/40/17's and have them fitted to standard 17" XR rims. I've done well over 100 passes on this combination and never had an issue. I dont get wheel spin and can consistantly get 1.57/1.58 60's. My car runs consistant 10's with these tyres and it's like driving down the freeway. Unless your aiming to go quicker than 10.5 I really wouldn't go with any other tyre. Geea.
  11. Good luck to the guys from G-Tech. As everyone already knows, high power figures dont always equate to fast 1/4 times. Car setup is also important. Quite a few people have aimed for 9's yet it hs only been achieved once. This show how hard it actually is. 9's take alot of time, effort and money with plenty of perserverance. Hoepefully G-Tech have all these and their able to achieve their goals. Geea.
  12. Have fun driving "bullet" around Dave. Nice summer cruiser. Geea.
  13. geea


    I'll be there test mule. See if I can destruct them. Geea.
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