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Whats Everyone Do For A Crust?

Guest DZ.

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  • The Noble Leader
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  • Member For: 21y 9m 15d
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It's funny how all you IT geeks post these details on an unwork related internet site during work hours :rolleyes::P

we have a thing called a December Freeze.. can't do any work until January 20th as its our most busiest time.. ie sales. So any impact to infrastructure can affect this.. so yeh :D

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  • Member For: 21y 7m 25d
  • Location: Kurrajong, Sydney

Chalk another one up for IT.

"Systems Analyst" fancy title for a simple job really. And this IS work related. I work to earn money to buy a car that I can talk about on this forum... It's a stretch, but hey....

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Guest DZ.
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And besides, being the IT geeks means we're in charge of the firewalls, so we get free access. :)

Alternatively you can work in a "communications company" and get free pay tv AND net access :P

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Guest Hydro
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Name: Glen

Age: 33

Sex m/f: male

Location city/state: Springfiled/Brisbane Qld

Occupation: Retail Operations Manager for Kodak

Currently drive: XR6 Turbo

Married: 9 years (I think, 1 son age 2)

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Guest MrSparkle
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Chalk one more up for the IT industry! (Hey, what else do we do all day but browse the web! ;) )

Name: Mike

Age: 25

Sex m/f: male (and how!)

Location city/state: Newcastle NSW

Occupation: I.T. Manager & General All-round Tech Bitch

Currently drive: Modified EL2XR8 manual, '92 Telstar POS (COTY!)

Married: Newlywed to my mortgage, but planning on a little affair on the side with a new XR8 lease :lol:

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