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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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those "nude slefies/wank bank" style groups that keep popping up in my newsfeed.

Ever since facebook made it so that "like" automatically equalled "share", half my news feed is now taken up with pictures of near naked women.

Dags, you're one of the culprits lol.

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My gradmothers neighbour,, first time ive seen him outside and nearly had a blue with him.. Silly *beep*

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dags should make a fb fan page for his tumblr

ps. burger shop in Isa being out of burger buns

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  • You've changed man....
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Off to like every boobie pic on fb.

Ive liked all the boobie pages I can find on fb.

Now my wall is just boobs updated pretty much every 30 seconds.

Now I dont see all the depressos status updates. Just boobs.

<3 boobs

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Crohns Disease and food alergies, I have both. Going out on a date to a fancy restaurant is a whole other thread.

Other things that piss me off:

People that trash public toilets, remind me to get your address and take a big stinking turd in your bathroom and piss all over the place and then see whats funny about thrashing a public place as opposed to your house.

Locked public toilets when you need to go

No toilet paper

Deadsh*ts that cant drive at the speed limit

People who can't park inside a parking spot

The olympics

People who are thrifty (pay your share and your way and be like everyone else)

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