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sexual harrassment panda

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sexual harrassment panda last won the day on March 16 2014

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About sexual harrassment panda

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Far north queensland
  • Interests
    chasing the ladies
  • Member Title
    I see a red door and I want to paint it black

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  1. so he can't give you the results of the test but is telling you that you need a rebuild?
  2. Might have to grab the verniers and slide under.
  3. mate wondered why he his car was searched
  4. eggs, bottles, cans etc = but every bottle o and supermarket still open. arrested for carrying shopping to car? hand tools banned from city and police don't need to give a reason to search car = arrested again? or just looking like me = arrested?
  5. oh and on topic - all overtime for this half of the year is double bubble for me
  6. that's why I am on here, have to avoid the city this week
  7. Not bad ideas at all, the local motorsport club should be able to get a couple laps at the next little circuit event. The chopper ride shouldn't be hard to sort either, I know one of the chopper mechanics and my gf works booking tours. Don't worry mate, I still feed him sh*t just like any other mate. People that don't know me as well get offended when I pay him out about anything, but I know that his parents and him love me for it. I've been the one keeping this normal for ages, but it's been a bit easier as he has been doing alright the past few years (relatively).
  8. Thanks Jules and SDP. Inoperable brain tumor and now onto spinal column. He is 31. First started 10 years ago. So far has had a stroke at 21, aneurysm at 22, four operations to remove the tumor (all successful for a year or two) chemo and radiation etc. Also ended up with epilepsy and some fits and seizures thrown into the mix. Start of this year testicular cancer was found and a nut removed. Finally been given the news that it's now just a matter of time. Every day he wakes is a bonus. Bucket list can't include alcohol, most drugs or sex, blood pressure medication means loss of downstairs function. Top bloke, sh*t happens, gutted.
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