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  • Member For: 18y 11m 16d
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Looosing all your tune files is the last thing I'd want to happen to me....

One reason why I have backups syncing my laptop tune folder with my main pc, and backup hdd...

Its gotta suck huh

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  • Go Pies!!!
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  • Member For: 16y 5m 10d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Vic Somewhere - Sometimes NSW

If parts found and the pricks along with it, build the pricks into a rebuild...

Exhaust up the arse, turbo down the throat, gear box to replace their knob, and see if they like it!

I hate stealing f*ckS!!!

Smack'em in the head with the rods!

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  • Member For: 18y 4m 6d

This really isn't the best thing to have happened and the unfortunate part is that it effects a quite few members of this forum. Not just the parts of theirs that were taken, but all the people who have tunes are now lost. Hope the thieving bastard gets caught.

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