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Wilko16 last won the day on February 2 2017

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1,243 Excellent

About Wilko16

  • Birthday 19/06/1989

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    Dirt Bike :-)

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  1. Bugga! And yeah I do have a different mobile since our last cruise. Not to worry, I think I will still go away to beachport at least enjoy a nice drive down the coast. Hopefully another cruise later in the Year
  2. Alrighty, Saturday and Sunday nights booked, My wife is on the fence if she is coming yet, and possibly my little one. 3 weeks to think about it I will be meeting you Saturday morning as I already have something else planned on the Friday Night.
  3. I was planning on heading home Monday as well, Will book accommodation in the next few days as well [emoji106]
  4. Hey lads, unfortunately I have to miss out again this year I have to fly to QLD over that weekend for work and I cant get out of it. Shattered
  5. Agree bali over rated bogan paradise Much better places for a holiday
  6. That is fooking ridiculous!! What a beautiful waste of money
  7. The price $895 is for the whole ICC unit Dvd doesnt say any thing extra He is obviously using ICC from wrecked cars So who knows how many he will be doing, no mention of exchanging your removed ICC either
  8. His videos are very open and it seems to intergrate very well Even talks to the dash cluster as well It Upgrades the cd player to DVD as well He seems to do alot of other cars and feedback appears to be good as well Im very interested
  9. Autos only lock the rear wheels in Park Nothing to worry about
  10. How are you measuring that it doesnt build up pressure ? As I said earlier, driving with that hose off or blocked can be very bad
  11. Its quite confusing what you have said But the hose from the compressor should goto a small solenoid and then another hose from solenoid to wastegate Also replacing the wastegate with a higher pressure than standard is a bad idea as you will now over boost Good chance of your motor going boom if your not careful
  12. Yeah my bad, clearly not real pricing what I saw
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