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Best games of all time


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I'm interested to see what people rank as their personal greatest of all time video games.  Console or PC.


Let's start with my favourite, Muscle March


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The 2016 XR6T Forum "Guess the real author of the posts" game


It's like a multiplayer version of Cluedo/charades and the old children's game "Murder in the Dark"

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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The Last Of Us - probably the most immersive and gripping story I've experienced, though many older PC RPGs would challenge that title, this also had great visuals to boot.


The Witcher 3 - so many hours of gameplay, not designed for kiddies.

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Im sure we've had the topic up recently.



Summer Games

California Games


Street Fighter


Olympic Games - ps1

Gran Turismo

Colin McRae Rally

Resident Evil

Edited by Pixy Angel
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