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New Build - Home Renovations - Gardens - Garages & Sheds.

Pixy Angel

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Everything house's and apartments

With a few members starting new house build's including myself I though it would be good to share our build and get helpful tips from fellow members who's built in the past or offer they services in their trade.

Even with odd jobs round the house or pass on info to trade services in there local area.

Share links to useful site and items on special also the right tools for the job.

This also includes Home renovations, Landscape, showcase your garage and the classic Shed or as we all know our man caves.

Lets not forget interior design and colour schemes.

Here is some photo's of my house with work done so far. Work start on Monday and nothing since as its been raining.

Work started



Level at the back of the house still lots to do.



Thanks to the bush behind us the rear of the house is BAL 12.5.


Hasn't moved in 2 days.


If you think this could work keep it, if not delete thread.


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Looking good pixy.

Would have thought they would have gone for a bigger machine to do the amount of cut you are talking about..

Got any contingency to replace any crap material they expose?

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Money!! Finger crossed they dont but with a big saving now thanks to local farmer for taking all the dirt we saved 18k.

Block wall. I did want the back retaining wall the same as the brick being used but to costly.

Once all cut ill have a better idea to what needs to be done. Still early days but im big on landscaping and having everything clean and tidy.

I have OCD when it comes to my house which I guess is a good thing.

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they're cool but no sure about #2 what will happen if one side lets go? BAM!! down she goes but at least you still can work on the car.

Scissor lift are twice the price of a hoist but are a good idea


Edited by Pixy Angel
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building gives you so many options, I hope you are designing your own place.

We did a major reno 4 years ago, went owner builder.

In hindsight we should have bulldozed what was here and built from ground up.

We also made the mistake of living in our renovation mess as we built (obviously you wont have that problem)

The devil is in the detail as they say, keep a close eye on what is being done and as soon as you perceive any problem, act on it immediately.

Builders, contractors and tradesmen are NOT your friends, they are professionals doing their jobs, treat them as such.

Clear and precise communication is paramount to a happy end result.

here's a couple of before and afters.

before post-60962-0-56171400-1446810481_thumb.j

during post-60962-0-42098300-1446810520_thumb.j

after post-60962-0-75921200-1446810540_thumb.j

wife likes red (that's why she bought me a Ducati) post-60962-0-76698200-1446810663_thumb.j

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Here are a few pic of the Excavation work. I went up this morning and they are hoping to have it finished this arvo. Fingers crossed.

top level rear bed room, next one down lounge/kitchen. where im standing is where the pool is.



There the laser level is the pool. Down one where I am is the home theatre


Garage high. 4m Hard to tell


Ill head back this arvo

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...And that's all I've got hahaha. Real work should start Tuesday I think.
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