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  • Turboless
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New Zealand eey bru.

Looks awesome. How does the t go in that weather? Lol pretty soft so no chains I guess..just a tad slower or what? Or plowed off the roads?

Never been to the snow. Always wanted to snowboard

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  • Member For: 14y 6m 9d
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  • Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

Yea Christchurch (earthquake capital) NZ. It actually goes really well in the snow, last year was the first proper trial.

I find it will tend to crab while trying to get going but once in 3rd it just lines up and tracks really nicely even with ice under the snow as we had last year. Those are some crappy iphone photos but they came out alright.

For an overpowered rear wheel drive ute I have been quite surprised about its snow ability compared to what others say in they honda jazz's or commonwhores etc. At this stage the 50k areas you can still do 50 just keep good distance from others for stopping just incase, and the 80-100 youd probably knock 20k off each limit to be safe but all in all grips quite well.

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  • Sucker
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My experience in the snow in my BF ute started off as awesome fun, but black ice soon put and end to that. :Doh:

But yeah they are surprisingly capable...until it turns to sh*t and then there's no puling the fckers up.

There was snow around Glen Innes & Armidale yesterday apparently, and that's only about 350km from Brisbane. No wonder it was a wee bit chilly.

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  • I <3 Floods
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The people in my office tell me there was snow in Oakey yesterday as well.. I wasn't there but I hope my dog ain't a popsicle..

also 7 hours between posts in vic chat? Either major bannage or did victoria finally break off the rest of the continent? (It could be floating out to join tasmania as I write this)

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  • Not pregnant
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Theres no need for that SDP! its WA that wants to split from aus, not vic.

I guess everyone is busy today. I know I am.

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