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About GR8XR6

  • Birthday 29/06/1973

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  • Location
    SE Suburbs, Melbourne
  • Interests
    Ford turbo's, Video Games, My wife & Kids
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  1. Happy Birthday GR8XR6!

  2. Happy Birthday GR8XR6!

  3. Happy Birthday GR8XR6!

  4. Spewin I missed another great cruise again! DOH! Looks as though it was another successful cruise! Kudos to Gaz again and awesome video clip. Nice work!
  5. GR8XR6

    Next Vic Cruise

    Might be up for the cleaning day and maybe wee cruise too Gaz. Depending on house move! Cheers
  6. GR8XR6

    Next Vic Cruise

    option 2 sounds good here too. Woot!
  7. Yeh, pretty good gary. Only a couple more midnight launches to do then prep for xmas mayhem! COD Black Ops 2 will be bigger. Halo getting rave reviews though! Chat soon! Cheers. Any news on a night run this year??
  8. Maybe not so funny. Sure does show how bad a truck blowout can be though!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=n_QZejwuQAY Don't J Walk
  10. Count me in. Have been away too long and need a good cruise and day of cars! Cheers
  11. Spotted F6 PSI couple of days ago cruising eastlink and off down wellington rd. Looks good. Anyone on here? Cheers
  12. Did I mention retune needed? I do hope you haven't stuffed anything but I would think your tuner should find any issues whilst tuning it though if any major damage is done! Hope all goes well
  13. elite auto do I'm pretty sure. Not sure if any of site sponsors do?? Haven't been around for a bit and a few things have changed lol. Cheers
  14. Don't forget the retune costs! Yes and I would go the 4" and I am hoping to do the same next year with mine too. Cheers
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