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  • Puff
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Nah I dgaf that much, I've been stuck on the same level for nearly 3 months and at this point I don't care if I progress or not. Haha I'll play the same level for the next year lol

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  • Puff
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  • Member For: 9y 5m 27d
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  • Location: South Australia

Speaking of, I let my boys use my steam account that has all the games you'd want, I told them yesterday that they would need their own accounts one day and they'd have to rebuy everything and start from the start again. Haha the real world bites yet again :playball:

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Yeah, you won't want them using your steam account too much haha. I thought steam had the ability to transfer game ownership from one steam account to another. I haven't used it for bloody ages, so my assumption could be way off base. 

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  • Puff
  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 9y 5m 27d
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  • Location: South Australia

Nah you can only gift games that you buy new, then mark as a gift, you can't gift used games. I don't care that they use it, I have family mode enabled so they only see the games I let them see. They were moaning that they got kicked off online lego when I started a game yesterday, hence the conversation.

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