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I am a Newcastle Born and live at Eleebana out the Lake Way  Put me on the list

Regards  dgsmenace

Eleebana.... What a great part of the world... That makes 2 of us.... lol

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  • No V6 for me thanks!!
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  • Member For: 19y 4m 5d
  • Location: Newcastle

I see so many T's on the road but only know of 6 or so that get on the forum.

So who is out there?

List start here:



Dat 40L

Mickey Gee

Ford Grunt



Barry Blue ( :spoton: )


Fat-51X (-T)

Iconic Bionic

Bogan393 (welcome)

Shazzy (we love ya)

tford6 (as good as living here)



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  • No V6 for me thanks!!
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 19y 4m 5d
  • Location: Newcastle

I see so many T's on the road but only know of 6 or so that get on the forum.

So who is out there?

List start here:



Dat 40L

Mickey Gee

Ford Grunt



Barry Blue ( :spoton: )


Fat-51X (-T)

Iconic Bionic

Bogan393 (welcome)

Shazzy (we love ya)

tford6 (as good as living here)




V8's make good shopping trollys a Stu? :spoton:


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  • No V6 for me thanks!!
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  • Member For: 19y 4m 5d
  • Location: Newcastle
Im at Anna Bay... I got a xr6t just not a ba/bf

:crybaby: you lost me,what's "just not a BA/BF"? :spoton:

Did you mean not just a na ba/bf ?


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  • No V6 for me thanks!!
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  • Member For: 19y 4m 5d
  • Location: Newcastle
EL XR6 turbo

arrrrrr that's made it alot clearer :spoton: ,,, Whats a EL?

Sorry Cagey my Ba is the first Ford I'll had since a XE Esp Turbo.

Welcome aboard.

How's the EL go?


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  • Member For: 18y 8m 24d

Gettin some things sorted out wiv it atm....almost done... been a bit frustrating.. put it this way if I were to do it again I wouldnt get the kit off the same person/company.

it was on the dyno yesturday made 127hp at 2800rpm then it started to break down so the fuel regulator the guy sent up wiv the kit is rooted (another thing from him that's rooted).... so the mechanic was sorting that out today...havent herd back from him yet....so with a bit of luck ill pick it up soon....then I can start workin on gettin an intercooler and fitting it and getting it plumed up.

it sucks coz its down in syd and I havent seen it for bout 3months, gota keep lookin at photos to remember wot she looks like lol

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  • Member For: 19y 5m 20d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: newcastle NSW

well muzza u know I am from newy, fat-six I guess we can let u be in the group as u drove my T from golf the other day ( even if u did lose to me!!!) I think we should hit justin up muz for another dyno day!!!!, I think we should all meet up soon I reckon it would be a great photo op as well all the T's together, and yes even the el should come!!! or atleast have a run somewhere. and it wasn't me talkin about the mudgee weekend as I am workin at the v8 supercars, I think it was mikeey gee, and is dazza on the forum?? the guy who had the T at rx last weekend when we got our car tuned???I hope the spelling isn't to bad I have already had 12 cans of rum its time to go and run a muck as a 21 year old single male wo0uld

Edited by dat_40l
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