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Mrs Jeturbo

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Everything posted by Mrs Jeturbo

  1. must admit I did try to drive left footed in my auto (fukd if I can try in my manual), but the big boot kinda fuks it and gets in the way of gettin to the accelorator... that and if I stack it for some reasonmy insurance is voided coz of bunged foot.... I tried the alcohol thing hahah that was an experience hahah
  2. Does anyone have a recliner chair? I could do the Mr Bean thing and tie it to my roof, sit on it, and steer with ropes and accelarate with broom sticks! Im a bit of a dik like that, I dont Really read!!! hahaha how unintelectual of me haha
  3. Hey Blokes! Just wondering... 2 weeks ago I had an ankle reconstruction, And now I have a big giant moon boot on and cant walk for another 6 or 7 weeks. I have barely survived the last 2 weeks with stuff all to do!!! And before its mentioned... yes its my right foot so I cant even drive!!! after watching every episode of top gear and sex and the city I am out of ideas and thought some of you boys who have had broken limbs etc may have any ideas to eze my boredom! Thanks
  4. Motor x XR6T WORKING ON XR6T GYM THINKIN OF GETTING A NITRO CAR (but the bastards always need fixing) & GETTING MY HAIR DONE (im still a girl at heart )
  5. 1. xr6turbo_chick 2. jeturbo 3. bloostey 4. SHAUNY 5. Stuart 6. Spoolax 7. TOPGHIA 8. Uterous 9. xr_baby - u guys r coming wheather u want to or not (chloroform is a wonderful thing!)
  6. More is merrier..... as long as theyre not in my car
  7. Nah I already have guy named Aaron thrash my car!!! Plus, youngings like you can't handle the force!!!!!
  8. H-H-H-H-HARDEN THE I <3 Bananas UP!!!!! dunno what the hell is with u boys your all flouncies!!!!
  9. passenger up or something, the more the merrier
  10. LIST: 1. xr6turbo_chick 2. jeturbo 3. bloostey 4. SHAUNY 5. Stuart 6. Spoolax
  11. WHAT A BUNCH OF TOOL BURNERS!!! Another important thing to note, is the reporter was right, when u ring up or try to find out right information about something NO ONE KNOWS THE RIGHT ANSWER!!!!! this is true for a lot of government departments, the amount of people who have to pay money back to centre link coz of their stuff up and wrong info is unbelieveable!Cant government departments get their sh*t together please!!!
  12. OK PEOPLES!!! Lately we have had a few random cruises and numbers have dwindled, so we will have a proper cruise pre organised... so no excuses..... MARK IT IN your DIARY!!!! DAZA POST UP A NEW THREAD PLEASE MARKED 27th FEBRUARY BOYS AND GIRLS PLEASE MAKE AN EFFORT TO COME ALONG AS WE WOULD LIKE THIS TO BE A PROPER MAJOR CRUISE WITH SOME NICE SHINNY CARS OUT SO WE CAN TAKE SOME PICTURES ETC. this means all you girls who post and rarely come out here's your chance! We wanna check out where all you guys progress is at and it would be great to have decent numbers as this will be a pre organised planned cruise with planned destinations. PLEASE MAKE THE MOST AND COME ALONG!!!!! due to the fact it was quite successful last time and it is a bit more central, we will meet at: NEWTON SHOPPING CENTRE TARGET 7PM for a 7.30ISH DEPARTURE Can't emphasize enough how great it would be to have big numbers and go for a great run!!! THANKS LIST: 1. xr6turbo_chick 2.jeturbo 3.bloostey
  13. you boys want your cake, and eat it, but now u want a f*cking cherry on top too?? WTF!!!! NO NOISE!!!!???? If you didnt want noise, dont modify it.... or buy a nissan micra or something!!!! It's like putting a de filippo 3.5" exhaust on for performance and going, how do I make it quieter??? Pick one or the other!!!! Begining to think I have bigger balls than some of you boys!!??
  14. All these phoons gettin smashed, makes me wanna cry , oh well that's why smart people have insurance!
  15. Yep, I get that stuff on a daily basis, and dejavu, always have. I know where cops r gonna b, (might explain why I havent been booked or a single thing). driving down highway, said to my mate, slow down there is gonna be a cop up here, sure enough he got booked doin 180, I have this happen every day, always have, dunno, just dont quetion it. just use it for my luck when I go to the cass. roulette wheel is the best :D. I can do the card thingo aswell. they say humans only use 10%of the brain, maybe sometimes some people have breif moments where they use 11%?
  16. Ill take this opportunity to say that there is another drive way with a black and a white sedan (both with those snail looking things on em that make em go tshhhhhhh) (oh and they dont have truck engines in em) parked in it, and those two may just spank u until u cry for them to stop just throwing it out there P.S. love u bek, dont kill me
  17. im a barbie girl in a barbie world, life in plastic it's fantastic, u can brush my hair, UNDRESS ME EVERYWHERE, imagination, life is your creation...


  18. Hey sorry blokes, I was fair sick saturday night! or else I would have come.
  19. wanna make my turbo spool?, then perhaps blow off?

  21. yes we will stil;l be cruzin, if u got one of the boys numbers give em a call and find out where we are, our cruzes are spontaneous so duno where we'll be
  22. Us turbo chicks know how to have fun!! that's all!!! hahaha I still firmly hold the belief that if there was bloosty me and xr babys asses all lined up, u would stick your love stick in bloostys.... I think its the hairy ass that does it
  23. She'll be right on a Saturday night, coz all the northers take their knives and guns into Glenelg for the night anyway!
  24. ANYWAYS FLOUNCIES!!!!!!! WELL WE WILL BE CRUISING ON SATURDAY NIGHT!!! meet 7.30pm for a ON TIME departure of 8pm!!! WE WILL MEET AT THE NEW CAR PARK AT THE BAY!!..... underground not on top! (where the woolies is on brighton rd) we will try the westerner aproach instead of the northrn aproach! If this isnt suitable for anyone... please dont bother coming then! Come along and bring your mums!!!! 1.BlueXR6Turbo 2.xr6turbo_chick 3.jeturbo 4.Spoolax 5.Manchie
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