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  • WOT?
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Yeah - don't laugh, it's the kids

Fired up the new Sims game last night to see what it's all about and was cracking up laughing by the time I shut it down. I think I wrecked the imaginary community I had a play with.

Got some chick to split with her hubby, leave the kids at home, got her pregnant, then got her to catch my toon in bed getting another one pregnant (on our wedding night). The next day I got her daughter (young adult) in bed when she came looking for her mum who'd left the kids at home when she moved in with me.

Was trying to get my (very unhappy) wife to hook up with the blonde she caught me in bed with when I quit.

Who says games don't reflect real life :P

Will probably have another play tonight to see what more havoc I can cause and how many more homes I can ruin then delete the game. Need to have some of them killed in horrible ways first though (if it's possible)

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Think I might stay in a Motel.........

And don't try and give the old "it's the kids" crap.

We see straight through that one.

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Nice going Rab hahaha. I've played about 5 mins of a Sims game years ago. I hear you can wall burglars in by placing new furniture down, and you can also kill people by starving them to death like that, in pools of their own feces and urine. Haven't seen it done though.

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  • WOT?
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Yeah - will give that a go tonight.

Found a money cheat before I even fired it up so I don't have to worry about actually playing the game

Tonight I'l treat the sims to Alf Stewarts dungeon then delete them forever as the vengeful God I am

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holly crap good thing Az isnt playing this game stick to porn mate........lol

wow I never knew the sims was that type game. How I was wrong.

Edited by Pixy Angel
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  • WOT?
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Nah - got enough other addictions and family concerns to worry about keeping some imaginary one happy.

Can imagine some lonely housewives getting involved clicking along running their "ideal" families lives though

Tonight they die

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  • WOT?
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  • Location: Frankston, 3199

No flies to pull the wings off and no ants to use the sun/magnifying glass on :(

Got to keep the innervoices quiet and peaceful somehow

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  • WOT?
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They're all dead :'(

Invited all their friends round, removed all furniture except a bed and a chair and boarded up all the walls.

14 people left in a slowly contracting room with no food, toilets, showers, doors or lights.

It was a joyous time when the 1st wife had her baby.

Bit sad when the bub was taken for lack of feeding and care :(

Bit uncomfortable when the Ex's daughter had her baby (hadn't realised my toon had gotten her pregnant in the observatory)

(The blonde that he was caught in bed with on the wedding night refused to turn up to the party, so she'll be able to keep living and raise the unholy son of that union who can carry on my toons legacy in the future)

In the end the grim reaper turned up, had a punch on with the ex, checked his iPad and snuffed out Gnarlies life.

That left left the ex in control to lose her job because she couldn't turn up (she was a secret agent - never knew that. No wonder the marriage didn't last - all the secrets drove the toon into another womans arms)

Finally - the grim reaper took the ex, closing the book on my foray into the life of the Sims.

Forever I'll be wondering what happened to the remaining dozen left in the house and the as yet unborn prodigy on the outside.

Nah - screw that - I'm just wondering if EA will honour the refund guarantee they offered on the game

Edited by Rab
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