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  • Member For: 10y 7m 20d

Yeah as barnz said, online only racing sim. I play it on and off but recent builds have been getting really good so going to get back into it. Closest thing to real racing ive experienced outside of actual real racing

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I might get back into it, the thing that annoyed me about it was the penalty system, you run a clean race and then some muppet dive bombs you on the last lap and you both cop a penalty cause of the way the system works. I always thought there has to be a better way.

It is a good sim though, would be cool if we could get enough people on here playing it to have some battle's in the v8 sc's. I need a sequential shifter though, clutching down gears with the paddles on my G27 just feels unco.

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Mmm not sure, its not a game its a proper simulator. So most of the development goes into the physics engine. Could be prettier although all the cars and tracks are laser scanned for accuracy. There is a couple of things I find inaccurate though, like the mx5 lighting up massively sideways to the point where you instantly lose it into the armco cause you went over a little crest at like 50% throttle, have to roll pretty much all the way out. Which compared to real life I find inaccurate. The particular crest im thinking of is just an up hill section that crests and flattens out so it doesn't even drop away on the other side.

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  • Member For: 10y 7m 20d

David Kaemmer made it, who also made GPL back in the day under Papyrus its just far more advanced. They have the lotus 49 in the game too, all the tracks are laser scanned so real tracks I know well like oran park and phillip island are spot on. Like bizzarely accurate. The new builds are much better, I agree with you though barnz there were a lot of inaccuracies where the car was unweighted, in slow corners and a few snap oversteer situations. The current builds have finally gotten on top of the "new tyre model" issues and I dont think you'll find more accurate physics / car / track combinations in any game, plus the biggest thing is there is nothing that comes close to the racing experience. You cant always jump in anything and race but theres always something to race and the licensing adds cause and effect to accidents. With the muppet bombs, you can also protest sh*t like that which will get you out of heavy penalties when people go full retard and spear you off the track, racing is racing so if you're not at fault and get mixed up in something that's just how it goes. Just like club racing best bet is to qualify well to minimize accidental involvement in first lap carnage but once you get out of the rookie and d license races its a sh*tton better.

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I would generally always qualify somewhere at the front, it would usually be 1 or 2 other racers that were competitive and get a bit to excited with 1 or 2 laps to go and try and steal the win, which would always end badly. I also have a habit of staying on the racing line and turning in on people forcing them to brake lol, in saying that if the pass was as good as done I wouldn't turn in. I did learn to deal with bombers and let them out break themselves and cut under, that does cost time plus you dont always see it coming. Your right about the whole D licence though.

The changes sound good you got me all keen now. Might re activate my subscription.

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Hmmm this makes me want to turn one of my donor FG seats into a simulator chair with my logitech G27 and fire up my monster PC I built up 8 months ago for about the 3rd or 4th time haha

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