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Anyone Rocking An Xbox One?


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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Its worth every cent, theyll double what they paid for it within a year.

Server providers, if it be big name ISPs or even stay at home bitcoin miners - have all made a killing hosting.

What do you lads not like about destiny? The single player is weak like any other fps to be honest but playing with your friends making your own story doing raids/strikes/missions in a fireteam for rewards is awesome in my opinion. Ive sunk 600 hours into bf4 since its release for no reward other than XP on a screen showing my level. Destiny, while theres a leveling system its all about the loot reward you get at the end of a boss battle which makes it worth it, working as a team to take a horde of enemies or a huge badass strike boss.

Pvp is okay, laggy and a little unbalaced but the games not even been out for a week so itll get reworked.

Im a level 22 titan atm, going for 24 hooefully today/tomorrow if I get some decent drops today - the first free new strike is out and is reccomend for level 26, unfortunately after level 20 the level system is based on gear worn rather than xp grinding missions or monsters.

Its a sold 8.5/10 few bits and peices could be better but I was never following the hype train so didnt know what to expect

I also bought an XIM so I could hook my keyboard and mouse up to my ps4 cause I gave up using the controller.. its sooo much better haha.

Edited by AzMahoony
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  • WOT?
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XIM works very well or just OK?

Lack of keyboard/mouse is the main thing that stops me enjoying consoles - the controllers make me a blubbering idiot :(

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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For battlefield/cod is almost as good as pc, with games like halo and destiny even max sensitivity is alot slower but its bareable like you can roll the mouse around and get precision accuracy its just turning, mind you I am using a HALO 4 ballistic curve cause they haven't released the destiny 1 yet so for sure itll get alot better.

I can almost do 180s with a flick of the mouse as I modified the file to be a little more twitchy.. in conjunction with the consoles auto-aim it feels/looks like.im using an aimbot lol.

Went from barely cracking a 1kd to almost constant 3kds in destiny.

Edited by AzMahoony
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  • WOT?
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Excellent - will definitely look into one then.

Might actually feel like I want to fire up the consoles :)

edit: looks like Destiny Xim file has been updated/released

Edited by Rab
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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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People look at it as cheating but honestly I cant use a controller for a fps, racing game? Friggin oath. But it evens up the playing field for those skilled on console vs us goons who never use em

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  • I <3 Floods
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Not saying it's a bad game Az..

I think the trailer may have given it a bit more hype then it was worth though..

I was loving everything the game leads you up to the crucible only to be bitterly disappointed to find out the crucible is multiplayer online only..

I'm actually not a huge online multiplayer lover.. I much prefer games with a solid single player.. (This largely because I'm a deaf bastard and trying to listen to people over a headset is just ridiculous)

I would love a split screen multiplayer option in destiny also.. Similar to Halo..

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Friggin lovely! Ill be whacking that on me xim when I get home then :D

Edit: Yeah, I found the story pretty disappointing.. it didnt explain frig all, was extremely short and Peter dink... somethingorather sorta did an average job voicing ghost.. wasn't any ethusiasm in his voice and felt really gimicky.

Its only now ive finished the story and hit level 20 did I start really enjoying the end game activities - PVE is where its at, epic strikes and raids are really fun with a good team

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  • WOT?
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People look at it as cheating

No worse as far as I'm concerned as someone complaining the other person is using a proper steering wheel in a driving game while they're using a controller.

Best tool for the job might get you an advantage over someone not using it, but that's no reason not to if available.

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Had an xbox one for ages but still ok only have Forza on it and barely ever use it.

Destiny looks too sci fi for me.

+1 for being horrible with fps on consoles.

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Tommy I miss our random shenanigans and 1000 metre headshots, setting up our tents on a hill way away from the objective.

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