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  • Flower Power
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10 hours ago, biddie_fiddler said:

Well now I'm curious what is..... 🤔


i6? v6?

Old? New?


2J? RB?


Some sort of bmw, new supra?



it was new when I bought it about 5 years ago, but no longer sold in petrol form. 
V6, and something a little more family friendly than a Supra.

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  • Puff
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But yeah a deep growl is a false fold movement, which isn't what I posted above. Still gives you a clear idea of the progression used in the voice for extreme sounds :yes:


Also slept in like a mofo today, woke up with more energy than usual, which will be used on the weights in about 45 minutes or so.


Yay Wednesday :yay:

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