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About Rusty05

  • Birthday 14/04/1976

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  • Location
    The city of churches and TURBO XR'S
  1. Happy Birthday Rusty05!

  2. Happy Birthday Rusty05!

  3. Happy Birthday Rusty05!

  4. Happy Birthday Rusty05!

  5. Hey all, Sorry I have been away for soo long but I have been very heavily committed elsewhere. Should have the time soon to put a little more time into the T and get off on a cruise or two. I hope everyone is still having a ball and getting plenty of miles under the belt. Rusty
  6. Does anyone have some contact details for Vik?
  7. Merry Xmas Happy new year and all that stuff!!! Finally back in Aus and hanging to go for a cruise. Dont ave time to read all the threads ATM but if someone could update me on a few important things. 1/ when will the next cruise be?? 2/ Whats happening with the reflash units from capa. Has anyone purchased and what sort of results??? 3/ Did you all have a good Xmas???
  8. try these places.. www.wotif.com.au www.lastminute.com.au www.needitnow.com.au dont know whats good there but if u use these u get great rates
  9. Work pays for it all. I'm only off to Nauru then the Solomons it aint no holiday. I will be workin 12/day 7/week so maybe ill buy a series II when I get back. Dont laugh though im thinking of buying a john cooper works mini Lol they look cool
  10. Sorry guys im a no go for sat nite. but I will be there for the meet at 6.30 But on the good side I have the pics for you all ready to go. The printer trimmed them down this time so they are ready for framing I have 1 x print and 1 x laminated print for MRX Ummm 1 X print for XR6_ED ( I think) and one spare "HOOT" wanted one I think.. anyway see you all at 6.30 tonight And on another note the T is going up for sale. im off o/s for 7 months out of the next 12 so its not worth keeping around and paying rego and insurance etc so if you know anyone who wants her give me a shout and if anyone wants the X system off her I'll get it taken off for a separate sale. will be $800 ONO see ya
  11. Hhhmmmm and how peeved would your family be if the possibility is ignored and pieces of you ended up raining down all over the pacific ocean????? Yes we are paranoid BUT paranoia keeps people alive!!!! and its my job so dont knock it :lol:
  12. 21st is great as well RDO both days Prints should be done for the cruise
  13. I get the feeling that she may have been more interested in saving the money for the "owners" of the hotel. She might find time in jail preferable to loosing money that belongs to "those people"
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