Well now that the dust has settled, and as expected, "Barry" HAS been officially written off by the insurance company, the young fella involved happen to get talking with my son at work, and on the quiet he has been telling him the REAL story. Surprise, surprise! there was no fox, and before taking the left hand curve there was a slight turn to the right where he was going to fast and started to get the tail out, he then over corrected and spun the car 180degrees plus to the left and hit the left hand bank in reverse, Basically that flippedd it onto the bonnet where it still had enough speed to drag on down the road a fair bit. When all came to a rest he said he was in panic mode because he couldnt get the door open enough to get out, but after kicking the crapp out of the door card, he eventually got it open. Its interesting how the car balanced on the bonnet and screen, yet never hardly touched the cabin area, roof or doors, all damage was front and rear. Thanks for your eulogy Al. We shall remember "Barry" at his best.