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About Goose

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Brisbane, QLD
  • Interests
    XR6 Turbo's??? haha in general anything with an engine. Oh and computers
  • Member Title
    00-XRG / 006-FPV
  1. Hi Scotty, I'm onto my 3rd turbo falcon now and I gotta say, I do love them. 1. The handling is really quite good for a big, long, rear wheel drive. Coming out of a GTR I think you might find it a little disappointing though. I've had my new FG for a couple of weeks now and the steering is definately a lot lighter than the BA/BF. It's still very acurate and direct though. The car definately doesn't feel like it weighs 1800kgs. The seats on the otherhand are pretty average. I find through heavy cornering I'm fighting a lot more to hold myself in the seat than hold the car through the corner. Given that (apparently) in 2010 Ford only sold 22,000 Falcons compared for around 80-90,000 back in 2002, they're definately very open to "selling" cars at the moment and if you find somewhere quiet, the salesmen might be very open to allowing you a good test out of the car on a test drive. 2. Pretty much any change you make to the car to gain a performance increase will require a re-tune to get the most out of it. "Ford Flashers" are around $600 and then some dyno time at a reputable tuner will be around $1000. If you're just out for more noise, then you might be able to skip the tune. 3. My first falcon was the old 5 speed manual and I loved it to bits. The second time around I grabbed a Tyhpoon with the ZF 6-speed auto and as far as auto's go, it's amazing. Still on the track and on twisty roads it really felt lacking to me. I've got a manual this time around with the new one and gawd I've missed it. It's a Tremec 6060 in the FG's and it's unreal. If you're ever going to be doing spirited driving, I've gotta recommend the manual. As nice as the auto is, the new 6speed manual doesn't really have any downsides for me. I sit in stop/start traffic to and from work each day and it's very driveable from that point of view. Hope this helps. Adam Edit: fixed spelling.
  2. 2011 FPV F6 Winter White Manual 0151 any idea how the build numbers work? Judging by the posts a few guys posted in december with high 800/900s ? The douche at the dealer told me mine was the 151st Euro 4 (ie since July 2010) but that doesn't make a great deal of sense.
  3. I ahhh.. had a few.. insurance premiums that kept my bank balance pretty dry... haha. it seemed everytime I saved up a couple of dollars... BANG!
  4. it's me alright hehe yeah I'm definately impressed it put up with me for as long as it did. and nah no chicken mesh in the phoon... definately going to be treating this one much better than the ol' XR. Adam
  5. Allo Kids, Well I can't believe it's already been 5 years since I got my XR6T and joined up on the forum. The lease on the XR has now expired so I've opted for a bit of an upgrade. Did all the paperwork yesterday and I'm now the proud but nervous owner of a BF II F6 Typhoon. Details: Ego, ZF Auto, std 19's, Leather and floormats. Just got a few more sleepless nights until I go pick her up mid-week. I think it'll be a sad day handing over the keys to the old XR. We've had our ups and downs, but today as I took her for one last sunday drive I think all was forgiven. Catchya's round... Adam
  6. Goose

    Se Qld Cruise

    Heya kids, I might wipe the dust and cobwebs of the old 'coon and meet yar's at Yatala. Most likely will only be there for the meet up before I rack off. Cheers +Adam
  7. I've seen something very similar to these in brissy here. Looked very F-truck-y but had the big fibreglass front end that folded forward over the front wheels like real trucks. Had a huge matching trailer too. Very very nice.
  8. Brendale is north brisbane, only about 5/10mins of the gateway just after deception bay turn off thing, easy to get to. Adam
  9. Getting my new diff and engine mount this week, so I'll be keen. Just PM me with details and whatnot and I'll chuck a post up in the QLD cruises section. Adam
  10. Cheers gents. Wow this thread has been open for a whole year. It started on my birthday last year!! Thanks again Adam
  11. I think I've replaced blubs about 5 or 6 times. What wattage are you running? Mine seem to blow in pairs. 1 goes, I can drive around with it gone for 6 weeks, but guarenteed within a few days of replacing it the other one goes. Adam
  12. Sorry mate, could have sworn I put you on the list. No dramas though bud. Looks like a couple might be dropping out already. Adam
  13. Howdy all, Greg-o confirmed all numbers today with the Museum guy. Also found out that lunch being supplied will be a basic BBQ or Pizza, I was thinking along the lines of a bit of both. And if anyone wants to bring their own stuff extra, that isn't a problem. Adam
  14. Thanks for all the confirmations peoples. I'll try and find out what the included lunch will be so if people want to bring anything extra. Adam
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