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About Falchoon

  • Birthday 09/07/1965

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    nowhere in particular
  • Member Title
    I see red

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  1. Hey JB,


    You still alive, what's happening? You still playing with Fords?


    Cheers Ross

  2. Happy Birthday Falchoon!

  3. Happy Birthday Falchoon!

  4. Happy Birthday Falchoon!

  5. Happy Birthday xr6t08!

  6. Happy Birthday SIKXE8!

  7. Happy Birthday neatxr6ute!

  8. Happy Birthday PorchMunky!

  9. Happy Birthday Adrian6T!

  10. Happy Birthday shiftyxr!

  11. Happy Birthday eXtreme!

  12. Happy Birthday Falchoon!

  13. So which mod deleted my signature? Why are people only allowed to post good things about forum sponsers, why not bad as well? I spent a sh*tload of money with Nizpro and got a very shoddy job, I should be allowed to tell people about this publicly so they can see both sides and not just the G rated sugar coated version.
  14. My car is off the road at the moment so I will be riding shotgun with Phil.
  15. I read in Motorsport News that Russell Ingall is going to Paul Morris Motorsport to drive a Expensive Daewoo in 2008. He is taking his Caltex sponsership with him too, aparently. Hope Stone Bros can find another major sponser to fill the gap.
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