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  1. hi all does anyone know what the size of the socket is to do the front wheel hub? I have heard 35-36mm and dont think I have one that size so where s the best place to get one at a good price?
  2. hi all tried to use the code reader on my flash tuner2 and it says something like no file found or no dtc etc. has anyone used there code reader or does anhyone know how it get it working etc? thanks all any help would be great as I have another miss.
  3. MR-XR

    Flash Tuner

    the plugs were NGK BKR6EIX which should have the right gap from the factory and yeah im sure the coil rubbers were on.
  4. MR-XR

    Flash Tuner

    hi all got my flash tuner2 today,I had a problem with a miss fire b4 I got it and put new plugs in(the right ones for the FT2) which fixed the miss so I loaded the 10psi tune and hav found I have another miss going on around the 3000 3500rpm mark,do u think its might be a coil or my car not liking the 10psi tune?
  5. hi all got my ft2 today and noticed in the instructions to remove(disconnect) the fuel pump and electric fan fuses b4 starting the flash. was just wondering does really hav to be done first? wanted to check b4 I try it out. do u put the fuses back in when finished flashing,I know sounds sturpid but just want to check first cheers guys
  6. Bugger. Thanks for the quick reply!
  7. hi all since I took the leads of the bat and reconnected the front left door wont lock,just wondering if anyone as any ideas or knows how to fix this? any help would be great thanks.
  8. hi all was just woundering how much fuel pumps are? stock and the aftermarket ones like the walbro etc?
  9. hey guys the wife says from outside the car it sounds like a rev limit popping.
  10. hey senna hows things? it does seem abit loud and the popping is quiet fast,it does seem to come on and off at times and if I change gears to goes til the revs come up again or my foot goes to far down.
  11. hi all not sure if this is for this subject but I seem to have a popping noise and slight lost of power once I put my foot down to much in my xr6t,the thing is that my fuel guage played up and said I had 8okms of petrol left,on my way home from work one day which is a 10km trip I ran out of petrol and the battery went flat,since then I have notice this popping noise,its ok when just crusing. I changed the fuel fitler thicking it might have picked up some crap from the bottom of the tank but it is still there,any help or ideas would be great thanks guys.
  12. hi all,im about to change the front pads on my xr6t and havent done twin piston brakes before. I just want to know if u push both pistons in at once or one at a time? also what r people using to push them in with etc G CLAMP and an old pad or do I need a special tool to push both pistons in? I have change single piston brakes b4 so I know what to do,its just I havent done twin piston b4 so any help or advice would be great. thanks heaps
  13. MR-XR

    Brake Pads

    hi everyone,im about to change the front brake pads on my xr6t and im sick of the brake dust that gets all over my wheels. I was woundering what pads people are using and do u get much dust from them and also how much u pay for them,I dont really want to put any cheap hard pad on so im looking for some decent pads. thanks all,have a good one.
  14. hi all,I was just woundering if anyone could tell me how much it costs to rebuild the bottom end of a xr6 turbo using atomic rods etc.thanks for your help.
  15. I just heard that it has been cancelled but everyone is still cruising anyway from what I hear,I heard that everyone is meeting at roselands shopping centre car park or a few other locations around there.not sure on what time to meet yet but will let u know when I find out,if anyone is interested in meeting in campbelltown and then heading down that way I will be happy to do that too as I live in campbelltown.
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