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About fcdfed

  • Birthday 13/01/1982

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  1. Happy Birthday fcdfed!

  2. Happy Birthday fcdfed!

  3. Happy Birthday fcdfed!

  4. Happy Birthday fcdfed!

  5. Happy Birthday fcdfed!

  6. hmmm mite have to get a permit and bring out the car damn stupid sticker on the front window lol
  7. bahahah lets just say your not the first..or the second or the third person that its happened to in SA to be waiting for their cooler... maybe 100 ? lol
  8. I hear u doing mallanats too jetters ?
  9. hahahah not bad considering they told me u ran 19psi phoon
  10. nothings changed lol gotta get it back to bruce for a full tune and to ease the boost on lol.. drove it off the trailer around the block and put it away hahah
  11. count me in on the next cruise... jetters wants to give me a spanking LOL
  12. lofty is shut after hours now.. too much hoon behaviour up there
  13. 1/ marco 2/ bloosted 3/ jet 4/ tuffxr6t 5/ rsk 6/ xrsikk 7/ rapid ford 8/ tyfoon 9/ obsty 10/ fcdfed.. im in.. gotta bail at 10 though.. promised a mate I'd go c him dj
  14. are there any cv's available still ? busted RHS and cant chase any down ?? and im not paying the $700 ford want
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