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  1. Hung oveeerrrr.... Mrs didn't touch it either lol
  2. Maybe later the mrs might grab it with both hands.
  3. Bad news to good news today. Went to court, lost my license for 6 months with a $500 fine for demerits loss. Came home n my mate goes.. You got a Job! Getting a trade in walling (construction road barriers) traveling to adelaide, Perth, darwin then Malaysia. Month on week off minimum 3k a week full time. So stoked! Will buy a fg f6e in no time! !
  4. That lasagna was pretty crazy. Add some jack daniels saaawwwccceee
  5. Anything lower then Brisbane angel. Ps my other new car got a photo shoot today
  6. Any work going down south? Me n the mrs looking to relocate states and start new somewhere.
  7. My 09 fg and a bf xr6t I drove both had a slight tick which was a mixture of injectors and rocker gear which is completely normal. Marbels though... that's another story.
  8. Bought another car today. 05 gen 4 liberty 3.0r spec b 6 speed manual. Everything under the car is sti equipt, slotted rotors you name it. First thing I did when I got home was grind down my rear mufflers on the bloody driveway. Realizing I can't park in my own garage sucks but im moving in January anyway. Now to get mrs to wash in skimpy outfits yeah!
  9. Ok serious question. How much cash can you take domestically? Apparently anything over 10k they go suss with and "confiscate" it..
  10. They have insurance for this reason. Dyno tuners make you sign a waver pretty much. Hope you didn't sign anything.
  11. Couldn't even show it off at maccas with that much low!
  12. I had a 5 speed. Box was stupid. Literally, it would hold gear for no reason, there was a blank spot taking off from a stand still, revs were high and she chewed fuel, wouldn't kick back a gear when I wanted too and would when I didn't. End of the day I bought it with 32, 000 odd k's and sold it at 35, 000 odd k's. Uber sh*t gbox dont do it. 6 speed boxes feel so much more smoother and responsive.
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