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Dans EXR65T

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About Dans EXR65T

  • Birthday 04/01/1990

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  • Location
    Penrith, NSW
  1. Happy Birthday Dans EXR65T!

  2. Happy Birthday Dans EXR65T!

  3. Happy Birthday Dans EXR65T!

  4. Happy Birthday Dans EXR65T!

  5. Definitely have to agree with wagnman...stainless will look jut as good as the other options on the table but show off the company at the same time!
  6. No worries!! Dont forget the pics when you done
  7. You should be able to find a heading 'phone' or 'Bluetooth' somewhere in your menu. You need to select find / pair a device, the car screen then displays a 4 digit pin which you then enter into the phone giving it permission to link in with the car. Does your phone ask for a pin when you select 'ford BT'?? Hope I've made sense mate!
  8. I'm pretty sure you can only go 2 inches larger than the largest tyre option shown on the tyre pressure sticker inside the door....well that's what I've been told. And also only 1 inch wider...not sure if that's the case. If you only go 2 inches larger with a lower profile tyre the rolling diameter is almost the same as a stock wheel, I think that's the theory behind it. Doesn't matter where you go, someone always says something different. Surely 20's and lowering would give you the look your after, and it's a safer bet if your worried about insurance etc
  9. Don't be silly mate, thanks for the advice!!! Will definitely take it on board and get something done properly... Nothing worse than watching people make the same mistakes you've made in the past. Thanks fellas
  10. Hey mate, well I went to my local guy and got given 2 more reasonably priced options. Either a single 3 inch turbo back system or a twin 2.5ich stainless from cat back only. For virtually the same price, and a lot cheaper that a 3.5inch system too!!! Probably go with the right through option, just saving the cash!!
  11. That's good to hear!! Well it looks awesome. And the price seems fairly reasonable too!
  12. Thanks for that mate! If I'm going to spend some $ I may as well do it properly and get some performance while I'm at it!
  13. Ok Guys, I know the question has probably been asked a thousand times but take it easy on me, I'm new Proud owner of an fg turbo ute, and I'm looking to do some work on my exhaust to give it a nicer note! What does everyone recommed? I've been looking at the 3.5inch turbo back system from x force, but fairly expensive. Is it worth going a full turbo back or catback?? I don't want to go too over the top or I'll end up modding wastgate's and all sorts not to mention money on a tune! Any advice on a system you've had good experiences with would be great. Also, a good place to buy in the sydney area for a good price?? Cheers
  14. I took my FG ute in for it's first service not so long ago...complained about diff clunk and some sort of rattle/humming sound when coasting up through 2nd and 3rd. Got told there is nothing they can do....its normal, and might get better as the car wears in. I don't think they have an answer for anything in this department, my BF was the same!
  15. Looks sweet mate!! And the black wheels on black looks awesome. Was hoping to do a similar thing myself, but I always keep hearing about issues with tailshafts, cv joints etc after lowering utes....What's everyone's opinion, is there really much risk???
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