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About Mattttty

  • Birthday 25/06/1989

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  1. Happy Birthday Mattttty!

  2. Happy Birthday Mattttty!

  3. Happy Birthday Mattttty!

  4. Happy Birthday Mattttty!

  5. Hey have any u guys heard of these valve springs or any 1 using them and are they any good? thanks http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Valve-springs-to-su...1QQcmdZViewItem
  6. hey ill grab that 1 then so do any of u know what oil and how to top it up
  7. hey im going to buy a transmission cooler of ebay do u think its any good http://cgi.ebay.com.au/automatic-transmiss...1QQcmdZViewItem what oil do u use to top up the auto and how do u do it any help would be good thanks
  8. hey mines kinda there all the time if you have the window down when driving u can kinda hear the noise and its definitly not heat shields
  9. hey mate I removed the heat shield long before I heard this noise so it cant be that thanks anyway
  10. hay just recently my car has a noise coming from underneath the car its kinda a ringy or a squeaky noise or maybe even a tapping noise kinda hard to explain but its fairly easy to hear. my car is running 264rwkw its a 03 ba ute. any ideas thanks
  11. I have run 2 pairs of rcas I just checked and im only gettin noise from 1 pair of them so can I just use splitters on the channel I dont get noise from 2 make the other 2 channels
  12. Nah ran power does opposite side of rcas
  13. hey tried a few different spots no different could it be where my head unit ground
  14. hey just amped my speakers and a gettin heaps of noise through them when I accelerate it gets a higher pitch and when I put my windscreen wipers on or spay my windscreen on it makes a different noise can any1 help please
  15. thanks mate its just that im gettin a nice alternator whine through my speakers
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