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  1. hey guys april 15 is the date....easter weekend and approaching fast. am going to contact the ford dealerships and see if they know of any places thanks for the offers
  2. Hi guys I am in the process of getting married..... ..... I have a bluprint XR6T and would like another one (doesn't have to be a T) .... blueprint or white in the port macquarie/taree NSW area... am having trouble finding any company that hires anything but stretch's and stock std cars..... If anyone knows of where I could hire something like this could you please let me know. cheers
  3. Just trying to do a bit of research on PULP fuel (98RON). Have mostly been on Optimax but have also used Ultimate for periods and cant really pick a difference in power or fuel economy. We don’t have any Vortex 98 up here only Vortex (95) so that rules caltex out. Just cruising a few other chat forums and the general idea is that Ultimate gives you better fuel economy and power because it runs leaner. One interesting thread I saw was the use of Toluene as an additive by BP which them guarantee a 98RON rating Just wondering how others go with fuel and what you know about Toluene???? cheers ps stage 1 APS will be on once my warranty finishes.... bout 10-11 months
  4. XR60


    FIRST POST!!! have noticed the shuddering for a few months, although it hasn't been real bad but was getting worse. just clocked up 35000km. booked into ford yesterday and they machined one disc and replaced the other which had hot spots.... Is now going great. Anyway, just found this site the other night and its great. Well done to the mods.
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