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32HE ABU-214 PCM Replacement Help


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  • Member For: 9y 7m 18d

Hi All,

I believe my PCM is giving up as when the engine bay gets warm I start getting intermittent drop outs and issues. The car in question is a 2003 BA Turbo Auto.

These were minor at first, however it is now turning into rough idle and loss of power and then the engine stalls. When I attempt to restart I turn the key to start and the car does not turn over. 

Battery voltage while car is running is 14.4V. No Fault codes on a scanner and I have traced the wiring from fuel relay to starter with no issues. That's the history anyways.

What are my options in regards to trying not spend a huge amount of cash on this? Buying the car a year ago I spent a considerable sum on performance mods on the car after purchase and really don't want to through another huge amount of cash into it. Also trying to sell a car that has computer issues  and not really running would also cause a hefty loss. 

My only real thought at this point of time is get a remanufactured PCM for just under 3k and purchase a PCM license and reader to pull the tunes off of my PCM and put onto the new PCM. 

If anyone has better ideas, please do tell.

Cheers All


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Wow!  On here for 10 years and first post!

For the problem you are having, I think you need to work out exactly where the problem lies, so you know that what you do will help.  $3k for a PCM without being 100% sure it will fix the issue is a lot!

The "rough idle/loss of power/stall" sounds like it might be a different issue to "I turn the key to start and the car does not turn over".

"I turn the key to start and the car does not turn over" sounds like it might be a starter motor, or battery failing?

If you think heat causes the problem, does cooling the PCM make any difference?

What happens if you start the car with the bonnet open and let the engine get to operating temperature - I think the PCM should not get too hot then?  Does the problem still occur?

Have you ruled out problems with spark plug coils or fuel pressure?

Where are you located?

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  • Member For: 9y 7m 18d

Thanks for your reply,

I laughed myself when I saw how long I had been a member for and made my first post. I joined up when I had my first xr6 turbo however never ran into any issues that required asking for help.

There are no issues with fuel pressure or plugs. The car does run longer with the bonnet up opposed to having it shut. No fault codes present either. I thought the same thing that maybe it was 2 separate issues however after going through the starter circuit I ruled that out. Battery voltage is 14.4V and Cranking amps are fine.

After speaking to my tuner and looking online the older PCM's seem susceptible to this sort of fault. They are over 23 years old nowadays so I am pretty certain that this is the most likely fault.

I have found a company that can repair the PCM and retain the tunes etc depending on the fault for about $1600. Fingers crossed this works.

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