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Joshua Giles

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  1. I've just managed to fix it, double checked the fuse box and upon closer inspection one of the fuses had infact broken, now replaced with a fresh one and its up and running, an incredibly silly oversight on my part but Im just glad its not something bad. Thank you for your help it is much appreciated
  2. I have tried that but I'll do it for longer I'll let you know how it goes cheers
  3. I bought a cheap OBD2 scanner but it displayed no error codes sadly
  4. Just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction, Got a MK2 FG XR6 Turbo, I was playing around with some fuses in the fuse box last night just trying to see if I could get an aftermarket electronic accessory to work it sort of just randomly stopped working sometime ago. After having done that I tried starting the car and it throws a Transmission Fault and DSC Fault and the cars stuck in limp mode. I've charged the battery and have checked my fuses and they appear to be fine. I have also tried replacing my battery but it didn't make a difference. Anyone got any ideas?
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