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  1. I reckon I get rid of it because the sound I'm getting after that catback install is ridiculously low and seems to have been a real waste of money. Thanks a lot for your help!!!
  2. Thanks a lot for that boss. I jus went under my car this arvo and I've noticed that there's not a hot dog centre but another muffler in the center. So its got a mid and rear muffler instead of a hotdog and rear muffler as I had previously misunderstood. Would it be sensible to have that rear one removed now since there's a mid muffler in place?
  3. Had the DEA 2.5" catback put on my bf xr6 falcon but the sound is just not up there and I'm guessing its because of the dual out muffler. It's too quiet and I feel like I've been robbed. Will getting rid of the muffler be a good choice as its already got a hotdog center. Anyone done something similar? Thanks
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