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  1. Hey guys I struggled to get my rear rotor off my ba and ended up ripping the handbrake shoe off too. Trying to refit it I pit the open bit over the mechanism now as for the clip how do I get that back in the shoe? And is it just the flat bit of the clip that goes in the shoe or the 2 ends of the clip.
  2. Never mind turns out where the cable clips on inside the ďoor was out of it locating clip, put it back in and it works fine.
  3. Hey guys just fixing my couple door locks that don't work, one was a broken shaft all sorted. My driver side one on the other hand appears to work fine with the cable disconnected from the inside handle, but as soon as I clip the cable on the door lock thing stops half way down and doesn't lock. Has anyone had this issue before? Would post a pic of what I'm talking about but can't seem to upload a pic to here.
  4. They where done about a year ago it was good for the first few months, then a slight vibrations started and progressively got worse to how it is now. Thinking about getting a reconditioned shaft to try that before I go spending sh*t loads of money getting the rear end done. I showed a mechanic the bearing and he said it was all good but I noticed you can move the shaft around in the bearing a fair bit when it was on the hoist but it's not broken or anything is that normal? They seem to think about that it's fine.
  5. Ok thanks. so wheels are in ballance, but I know my rear trailing arms are buggered. Would they cause all them vibration issues? Kinda feels like when the tailshaft center bearing is gone but without the bang bang on acceleration
  6. Hi guys any ideas what could cause a rear end vibration on my ba. I get what feels like driveline vibration at 45 - 60kph and back again at 80+.seems to get worse under load like when I start going uphill or under deceleration, it kinda goes away if I accelerate hard, but the thing that gets me is it gets really bad for couple of seconds whenever I go through a dip in the road, as soon as the rear end hits it. Tailshaft center bearing and uni are good.
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