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  1. Hi all Simple question for you all to start with; How do you remove and replace the cigarette lighter in 2009 XR6 ute? I can find no instructions on how to pull the the console out to get to the back of the lighter. I have seen comments about "how easy it is" but no actual instructions 😞 Second question, not so simple; I have an issue, electrical in nature. If I have my foot on the brake when the car starts I hear audible alarms (beeping) and get errors messages in the dash saying "headlight fault" and the some lights and symbols flash in the dash and the screen on the ICC also flashes. I replaced the brake switch (this was suggested as a possible fix, it didn't work :() any suggestions before I take to auto electrician and spend hundreds of $$$ for him to say "oh this $3 switch was rooted"
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