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  1. Tailshaft centre and wheel bearings are fine they tell me.
  2. That is exactly what it does. I will get it investigated. Cheers everyone.
  3. This noise is just there at about 60km/p and at 100km is at its worst. Car is an 09 FG xr6 turbo (ex NSW h/way patrol chaser). It is a groaning/whining type noise that comes and goes as you just start to put a light load on the accelerator. Doesn't happen off accelerator, doesn't happen while coasting, and doesn't happen if hard accelerating, powering well past 100km/h etc... Any ideas.. I have a mechanic and gearbox place advise its not the diff.. but because it runs non standard bushes and is lowered (SSL & SSSL) this is causing it.. Had it for over a year and has not got better or worse... have had oil additive put in the diff (small amount of metal found) and its no better... running just over 500hp at wheel.. standard diff, tailshaft etc.. Any idea's Cheers Tony.
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