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About Riskyyxr

  • Birthday 15/04/2000

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  1. Okay fair point, but what's am I able to do to fix it? I feel as though it hitting the snorkel for sure but it bends a little bit so maybe that's why it shut?
  2. Okay well I just tried slamming my bonnet shut and to then see if it would mark it, it actually ended up closing it! So it think it's fully closed now! Thanks for your help mate!
  3. Sorry about that, I've got three photos here I hope they help! hopefully this link works! So that's the snorkel I have I think it's a 70mm one from the research I've been doing but on the bonnet, the bit where it's got a cut out for the snorkel it's hitting there and bonnet doesn't close the full way.
  4. Here is the snorkel I've got and it's the too which hits to bonnet doesn't shut the whole way, https://www.google.com/search?q=ford+fg+v8+big+mouth+intake+factory&client=ms-android-om-lge&prmd=isnv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwio2MCA4e_gAhUWWX0KHStyCZ8Q_AUoAXoECAwQAQ&biw=412&bih=610#imgrc=uuln9JgoMYl1vM
  5. Hi all, today I just purchased a xr8 stock bigmouth snorkel and airbox, everything fits in the engine bay but then I proceed to close the bonnet and it won't close because the snorkel sits up just a tad. Would buying the xr8 bonnet fox this issue? Thanks all.
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