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  1. Remote wire plugs into fuse panel and no need to cut and run wire back for amp, u can splice into rear speakers for amp signal👌 A lot easier
  2. Nice what did you connect remote wire to? Back of icc?
  3. Can anyone tell me about this dyi mod to piping on fg xr6 bad or good? sounds cool but is it destroying the turbo?
  4. Hi can someone tell me exactly how to install amp in fg ute...
  5. Appreciate all the input from everyone would appreciate as much info as possible and best products need to know everything possible also can anyone tell me 100% what the rear wheel KW is on stock fg??
  6. Yes so seems to be oil leak on top of turbo from either the inline oil filter or the other and oil from engine breather also...
  7. Yeah no problem but how do I put up pics??
  8. It seems to be on top of turbo where inline filter bolts and also from oil line on block
  9. Thankyou for the advise??? Can you tell me a bit more about hole in box or even a pic what size hole would u say? Seems I have small oil leak on top of turbo where I think filter is? and ideas????
  10. What do you know about xr6t perminace upgradea?
  11. Who would you recommend mattyp? I’ve had 1 guy tell me to install kn air filter in standard air box and put some drill holes in base of box?? I know first thing is online oil filter? What can u tell me about upgrading brakes and price ect really after some proven eninge upgardes and recommend brands ect brakes and anything else I may need... do many opinions out there....
  12. Hi man

    we should meet and go for cruise and pick your brain about my car...

    and what do I do about inline filter 

    remove oem what does that mean??


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MUZz1984@


      Hi mate can’t find the post 

      can u help guide me?

    3. MattyP


      Hey mate it's just on his Facebook page I'll try and dig it up

    4. MUZz1984@
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