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  1. Thanks everyone for help. In an effort to save a few grey hairs I pulled the original donut out and it turns out to be the same as on a Jag X350, S-Type etc. The part number is GAG03-001. Link below for one on ebay $60-ish landed from UK as opposed to $100 for a local equivalent. Photo of original https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8PnVPDNncBwTHBXdG9qRzZUYjA eBay replacement from UK - same manufacturer same part # http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/400991005703?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I'll update fit when it arrives and confirm if it works. Hope this saves someone some time/effort in future.
  2. Just got a reply - apparently the above doesn't fit utes - you can only buy as a part of the tailshaft at $2K
  3. Thanks aaronm - the above says auto - is it the same for a manual?
  4. Thanks for the quick response guys - just rang a bunch of dealers who say it only comes in a kit (including tailshaft.. ) - any ideas re part number or other sources
  5. I just bought a replacement donut for an FG XR6T manual ute but when I bolted it up it deformed - looks like it was too thin so pulls toward gearbox on gearbox bolts and diff on tailshaft bolts. Everything is firm and no play in the shaft so not sure if thickness of the donut varies across models. - anyone got any ideas which model fits - Ford reckons I need to replace the tailshaft which comes with a donut.... for a cool $2.5K I'd rather go on a holiday
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