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About Monit0r

  • Birthday 18/04/1978

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  1. This is part of my research. Ford quoted $6k for a failed wastegate. I am thinking about upgrading instead of simply replacing. From what I have read the GTX3582R is similar to the GT3582R. Looking at how to change a turbo, it seems like I could do this myself and save $176/hour labour. The information I am chasing is to what extent do I have to modify other components of the engine to handle the increase in power and fuel consumption in the short term? In addition given the GTX is slightly larger, is it necessary to replace the oil lines? I can only find conflicting information on this. Thank you in advance for your help
  2. G'day, Can anyone provide me with a step by step for removing the stock turbo and installing a GTX3582R, with reference to changing oil lines and necessary mods that need to be made in the upgrade? Can you simply replace the stock turbo with a GTX3582R? Cheers
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