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About sassXR6T

  • Birthday 30/05/1989

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  • Location
    Newcastle, NSW
  1. Happy Birthday sassXR6T!

  2. Happy Birthday sassXR6T!

  3. I recently put 1.5" blocks in my 2011 xr6t ute, its the 6speed manual. I wasnt to keen on the idea at first but after my local pedders woud supply and fit for $150 I thought I might as well see how it goes after hearing the utes dont like being lowered. Now iv been hearing a slight vibration when backed off going 50km/h plus.. iv looked under the ute sitting on flat ground and it looks like the diff and tail sharft are way out of alignment! The diff input sharft seem to be point up on a 45degree angle up and the tail sharft is straight on?? Has anyboy else had this issues and should I just rip them suckers back out asap?? Cheers
  4. Happy Birthday sassXR6T!

  5. if you have a hardlid start there. My ute had a squeak and thought it was the leafs or bushes but ended up being the hardlid not being held down tight enough and was slightly moving around. little adjustment on the latch points and shes all good :sungum:
  6. sassXR6T

    Fg Ute Axle Tramp

    where did you get the shocks from mate? and how much I hear their bit pricey.
  7. Found these while looking for springs for my ute on the net and thought some other users would be interested Seems the goods and at a decent price, They also have ultra low advertised on their site. Link below! http://www.trulinesteering.com.au/shop/prod265.htm
  8. yea I thought the same but knowing my luck they would just cancel the whole warranty.. how come utes don't need hot dogs? EPA?
  9. oh ok sweet didn't know that. cheers
  10. FREAKY did u have middle or rear muff done? really wanna do the rear muff but want the option to put it back in (like MA91CK) when its service time as I don't wanna blow warranty. Does anyone know or have photos? or sound clip?
  11. Ok well I put a Nulon radiator flush through dumped it then ran fresh water and dumped that finishing with a 50/50 mix of Nulon coolant. Hopefully never see that brown sh*t again.. didn't smell to healthy either
  12. ok couldn't smell any exhaust gases while running so bit of relief. whats the best way to dump all the coolant from radiator and block without to much trouble? is there a drain plug underneath or just pull bottom hose off?
  13. ill have to check that and not do any mods incase it is the head.. its not creamy just a filthy colour
  14. yea I thought it could of been just a colour change from the engine temps thanks for the info guys
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