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  1. excess-fg


    people deserve no sympathy when they intentionally take risks and be careless.
  2. excess-fg


    the sort of things people do these days to get a kick is to do stupid things like this. no regard for themselves obviously. dont they realize they could get seriously injured like this person from gladstone did. even woolworths employees who have no forethought for other people's rights let alone for themselves.
  3. hi everyone drew's the name, wanted to come in and introduce myself, been a ford man all my life, except for a period of 1 year and a bit when I had a flirtation with japanese cars, got bored and went back to basics. I now own a mystic fg xr6t. take it easy. drew.
  4. anyone got ap racing calipers and if so how do they perform?
  5. the yanks have always been chomping at the bit to get our fords
  6. havent ever dealt with them, heard really good things about them, bremer ford used to be the denmac franchise back in the day didnt it or was that a totally different entity?
  7. ford man usually, Expensive Daewoo berlina vr #1 ford fairmont au #2 subaru liberty #3 toyota camry #4 now my fg xr6t
  8. yeah bro goto video2mp3.net I use it, I used to use vidtomp3.com that sometimes works.
  9. not sure if this is in the right section but ill ask anyway looking to purchase a viper 5902 for my fg and iam wondering if I can just use it as an alarm only and use the existing ford immobiliser without having to remove that feature.
  10. hi I am just wondering what kind of connecting rods the fg xr6t has? I heard that they had e-gas conrods, can someone clarify that for me?
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