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About jetxr6turbo

  • Birthday 22/02/1980

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    too much
  1. Happy Birthday jetxr6turbo!

  2. Happy Birthday jetxr6turbo!

  3. Happy Birthday jetxr6turbo!

  4. Happy Birthday jetxr6turbo!

  5. Happy Birthday jetxr6turbo!

  6. this problem needs to be fixed. still cant get on this site with home computer. only my phone this is pissin me out. ready to forget this site.
  7. hi all been trying to log on to this site for two day now and browser says site has malware only way ive got on is by unlocking security box to by pass it. and that's no good been pissn me offff. anybody else had this trying to acsess this site
  8. still happning on mine. we need this fixed asap.been trying to get on for 2days now been pissing me ???
  9. no fg they can keep that then. old one had ba new one bf what about fg.new game new cars .??
  10. yer get it hard wired shouid fix it but check plugs under passenger seat push plugs in . some times its not pushed in anuff
  11. haveing no bov all that will do is slow down comp wheel /more lag on gear change bov is to help turbo spool keeps comp wheel spining when off gas so when you get back on the gas its all go due to wheel speed it hasent lost not like that with no bov ? why becase slow down comp wheel to much and then has to try spin it up wich means lag no benifit and stess to turbo blades and berings will stuff it in end but you play you pay
  12. check wires undar front seats plug with yellow wire /when turn key not start just on how many times it flashing two fashers pause 3 flashers wich means code 23 and it shouid be able to reset after find and fix prob
  13. will do a norm wrx but sti watch out off line /run 14 psi and you will own him
  14. easy 300 with tune /go with bruce best in sa
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