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About Rush

  • Birthday 30/05/1961

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  1. Happy Birthday Rush!

  2. Happy Birthday Rush!

  3. Happy Birthday Rush!

  4. Happy Birthday Rush!

  5. Well Done! Nice pics, but I would love to see some photos of the faces of 'naro v8 owners...
  6. Rush

    Putty Road

    What is the plan guys.. you have date set? I would be interested.
  7. Rush


    Intersting poll so far, but don't be fooled by the numbers. Looking at the graphs only gives a percentage of people that have responded and their car/driving preference - you need to look at the total percentages of responses and the changes: The split of total responses of Highway v City is 24% to 76% respectively. When you look at the problems Highway v City is 33% to 67% respectively, so you see a relative INCREASE in the problem for HIGHWAY drivers. In reality the sample (number of responses) is still too small to tell anything. You can't tell from the poll if Auto or Manuals are more prone as there is no base data. All you can tell is that more people with Autos have replied (as you would expect with the new Auto box...) and the fact that more people live in the city (and hence drive there) and so prefer to rest the left leg than stuff the clutch all day. Shame we dont have the split of auto v manual for cars with no problems
  8. Rush


    I agree with the others that the smell went away after a few weeks.. Just have to put up with it.. Did you find out what the "red something" was... My brand new T put a big puddle of red fluid down the first day right beside the right front wheel. Called the dealer and they raced around and took it back - seems that the pipe from auto-transmission to the cooler had not been tightened properly... and I was busy emptying the transmission all over the ground. Could be you had the same problem??
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