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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/01/23 in all areas

  1. Nothing wrong with dashmats. Every car, my dad would get seat covers & a dashmat. Always felt a bit like plastic covers over the lounge suite in the good sitting room to me 😅 Picked this up from SCA. Around $50 for members. The car spends most of its time outside so thought I should get some protection before the dash starts splitting open
    2 points
  2. Nothing. It's personal preference. I had one that came with my first car (AU XR6) and it was ok, but it didn't inspire me to ever put one in my car again haha
    1 point
  3. I'm turning into my dad - I just bought a dashmat
    1 point
  4. That was a fantastic promotion, I reckon I ate about double the amount my father bought haha
    1 point
  5. Man, I haven't thought about rainbow paddlepop's in YEARS. I remember getting them heaps as a kick coz they regularly had those "lick to win" promotions, where you could win prizes and free paddlepops and stuff. Good times.
    1 point
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