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  1. Hi Guys Noticed this the other week Any ideas Sorry not a mechanic Thanks again Steve
  2. Wheres 95-100 sit on the gauge half or more?? Cheers Steve
  3. Hi Guys Just checking last night I was out driving and noticed their is no illumination on any of the controls of mf my steering wheel. Is this correct or am I to stupid to find the control switch. Don't answer that ?? Thanks guys Cheers Steve
  4. Thanks guys I'm happy to just leave it Cheers
  5. Thanks buddy Do we know what size hex key also blow valve fixed Took back to ford service and they replaced with stock part works like a treat now. Thanks again Steve
  6. Thank you guys that's what I wanted to know Cheers and Thanks Steve
  7. Hello again Just checking my front right hand side headlight is way to low and need to bring the beam up. Is there an easy way to adjust the headings on my XR6T. Thanks in advance Cheers Steve
  8. Hi guys I was driving the other day and speaking to a fellow XR6T owner He was looking at mine and mentioned that I should have a lower grille on the front. I said that's the way I got it. Guys here is a pic By law do I need this lower grille and will it fit.. Thanks in advance Steve
  9. Hello I'm just thought I would ask this silly question. Just purchased a nice XR6T But not sure if GPS is installed or not I found a Remote control and a empty CD cover ( Australia and New Zealand GPS maps ) but no CD Does this mean I need to purchase these maps ??? Any help would be appreciated Thanks Steve
  10. Thanks did blow off values come out in the Fgs stock If so I should contact ford then for a stock one ?? Your comments
  11. Hi guys Latest to my small problem It seems that the sound is coming from the IR Blow off valve Both fast and normal and take off from lights normal speed it just not stop Tried adjusting control on the side of blow off valve ( Does nothing ) So I would think the blow off valve is broken The name on it is IR Blow off valve It looks like an easy replacment Question is this a good Blow off valve or should I replace with another ?? Question Where do I purchase Question Can I install myself Thanks again guys really appreciate your comments Cheers Steve
  12. Thanks for the tip will check it now once I find out what the throttle body and intercooler look like. Cheers Bud Steve
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